Tag Archives: Fiasco

What a Fiasco

Due to two players suddenly announcing other plans this past Thursday, the other four of us decided to give Fiasco a try.  If you haven’t heard of it, Wil Wheaton did a fantastic job of explaining it with his celebrity playthrough.  If you are interested, check out the set up video here, act one of play here, and act two of play here (and watch the other episodes of Tabletop! They’re amazing!).  In short, it is a DM-less tabletop RPG where a simple plan just goes horribly wrong, based on the idea of such films as Fargo, Burn After Reading, and A Simple Plan.  Wil Wheaton’s experience was a bit more… refined than ours was, but honestly that’s to be expected, since his group was a bunch of critically acclaimed writers/authors/actors and we are not.

The game Fiasco is published by Bully Pulpit Games, and if you are interested, go buy the game! It’s a ton of fun and you can get the book and .pdf for 25 bucks, or just the .pdf for 12.   Totally worth it.  Each game is run with a specific playset that provides a world for the game to be set in, and you can get these from a few places. The core book comes with 5 or 6, there is a companion book with a few more playsets, and they also put out a free playset every month on their website and they’re all still there.  Before we played, I downloaded 41 different playsets for free.  Awesome.

We ran the “White Hole” playset, which is set in a sic-fi spacefaring setting, with inspiration drawn from things like Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, and Sunshine (which, if you haven’t seen, you should go watch).

So, without any further ramblings, here is this week’s episode of Damn Pugwampi.