Tag Archives: MLP

Ponyfinder Episode 4: The Siege of Cowpenhagen

Listen to Ponyfinder Episode 4

Hey all, sorry for the wait. The cable I use to transfer recordings to my computer from the recording device broke and I had to wait for a new one to come in >.<

But all is well and I’m editing several recordings to catch up this week! In awesome news, I figured out how to make this podcast actually work automatically with podcast apps like Podkicker (my personal favorite). Simply go into your podcatcher of choice and find the “RSS Subscription” option and enter “http://www.damnpugwampi.wordpress.com/feed/&#8221; and you will be able to download new episodes automatically any time I update this blog!

I will say, however, that this is the end (for now) of our Ponyfinder game. Everyone was a great sport, but after discussing it out of game, people wanted to get back to regular Pathfinder with no ponies. So from here on in we’re starting a new Rise of the Runelords game. ‘But wait!’ I hear you say, ‘Haven’t you already played a lot of RotRL?’  Yes and no. I played in a RotRL game that Will GM’d and we uploaded to this site, but he and I are the only people remaining from that group, and he remembers absolutely nothing from it. He has more important things to worry about.  So next post will be Rise of the Runelords Reloaded!

See you soon!


Ponyfinder Episode 3: The Flight from Colterado Springs

Listen to Ponyfinder Episode 3

 Hey again, I’m back with the 3rd session of our Ponyfinder game!

Session 2 was unable to be recorded, but that’s discussed at the top of the episode here.  It’s at this point that the game leaves the short published adventure by Silver Games, and becomes completely homebrew.

For those wondering, this is the map I’m using for my game world. As you can tell from the session, it has already given me ideas.

Thanks again for listening, and watch out for those Damn Pugwampi.

Ponyfinder Episode 1: Into the Gross Tower

Listen to Episode One

Hey y’all. So here’s the first session of our new Ponyfinder game! We’re using the ruleset by Silver Games. It’s really good stuff and they’re good people. Go check them out and throw money at their faces. We’re employing the base rules, the griffon expansion, and folding most new books in as they come out.

We recorded about 4 hours of Character Creation before the actual play, but it was boring and full of radio silence so I just nixed it.

The Party is as follows:

Disco Scratch, pegasus sorcerer

Judge Poundberries, Flutterpony gunslinger

Platinum Piston, Griffon Rogue

Sunfire, Sun Cat Druid, and his pet tiger Ser Pounce

Berry White, Griffon? Druid (This was recorded a month ago and Berry White was immediately gone from the party in favor of a griffon Barbarian)

Session 2 was lost, but I go over it at the beginning of session 3.



Is this thing on?

Howdy people, we are back!  After much too long, I have returned with game session goodness.  I’m very sorry that everything fell off for so long, life just kind of got in the way.  I’m currently working on editing all the backlogged sessions of Kingmaker (15 of them) and Way of the Wicked (which we started after Kingmaker).  Sadly we stopped recording after 12 sessions of WotW due to technical difficulties and we just never started back up. I’m going to be posting those as I finish editing each one.  When I post the last recorded WotW session, I’ll also post a short log of what happened afterward.

In the meantime, I have not been idle!  After we finished our WotW campaign (1.5 years, roughly 60 sessions, 250 hours, and 17 levels), I began an E6 ponyfinder campaign.  The first two recordings are going up immediately. (Already up!)

Also notably, we’ve been playing the Dresden Files RPG.  Jacob (gm for that game) is hosting those recordings on his own site, but if people are interested I can host them here as well. Otherwise I’ll just link there whenever there’s a new recording. Kinda like this!

Lots to do and tons of content incoming! I hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoyed playing.
